RealFlight Evolution
Store Community
Peak of Today
> 1000
Average this month
Peak of the Month
> 1000
Peak this Year
> 1000
Dec 2023
Peak Month
Current/All-Time Peak

RealFlight Evolution online player statistic

month Average Change Amount Change Rate Peak
Last 30 days 445 -2 -0.45% 556
Aug 2024 447 -8 -1.76% 556
Jul 2024 455 +5 +1.11% 560
Jun 2024 450 -17 -3.64% 566
May 2024 467 -22 -4.50% 579
Apr 2024 489 +29 +6.30% 657
Mar 2024 460 -6 -1.29% 603
Feb 2024 466 -8 -1.69% 611
Jan 2024 474 +73 +18.20% 625
Dec 2023 401 +37 +10.16% 669
Nov 2023 364 +20 +5.81% 451
Oct 2023 344 +26 +8.18% 437
Sep 2023 318 +13 +4.26% 401
Aug 2023 305 +10 +3.39% 382
Jul 2023 295 +2 +0.68% 369
Jun 2023 293 +19 +6.93% 375
May 2023 274 +13 +4.98% 356
Apr 2023 261 +25 +10.59% 342
Mar 2023 236 +12 +5.36% 325
Feb 2023 224 +36 +19.15% 311
Jan 2023 188 +55 +41.35% 274
Dec 2022 133 +53 +66.25% 270
Nov 2022 80 +32 +66.67% 133
Oct 2022 48 - - 84
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